Response to a very unpleasant blogger

I just sent a tweet to a man called Bruce Everiss.

He claims to be a political expert, but when writing on the Middle East, he just parrots classical anti-semitic drivel dressed up as libertarian anti-Zionism.

I usually find left-wing anti-semites to be the most obnoxious, as they believe strongly that they are anti-racist, and so frequently don’t even think through, or realise that, what they are saying is racist: he is very similar.

Here is one of his blogs.

Here is my response

I invited him to comment. I doubt he has the guts to respond: let’s see shall we.

[ 30-9-14 update: he blocked me.

What an utterly pathetic coward he is. In the great tradition of British Trotskyites, his blog doesn’t accept comments either.

It appears that he is scared. So many of them are scared of me on Twitter.

With the Palestinian Twitteristas, every time I offer to discuss peace, or explain the situation, they run for their lives. They block, mute, or send an offensive cartoon/picture, or even just start swearing and being insulting. How sad.

Bruce has other pieces that are similarly racist (anti-semitic) and anti-Jewish.

There is a stupid and hateful racist one entitled “is-the-talmud-the-most-evil-book-on-earth?”

He claims that he is quoted by the Sun and hobnobs with senior Conservative politicians.

As always, do let me know your thoughts

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