All posts by salaamshalom16

The perils of speaking at a Jewish event

Seriously, the below really happened.  Please feel free to comment!
I gave a talk to a Jewish audience earlier this year.
I had a decent audience (for me) of around 20-25.

The talk started late – about 5 or 10 minutes late.

This is completely normal for a Jewish audience, where the term “Jewish Mean Time” (as opposed to Greenwich Mean Time) has become a standing joke, and sometimes people just walk in whenever they like.
Around 5 – 10 minutes after I start talking, a bloke wanders in.
He doesn’t sit down.
No, he comes right up to me.
“Hello, hi”,  he says … “How’s your mother?”
[Now, I will simply not believe you, if you tell me that this could happen anywhere else except at a Jewish event.]
“Er… she’s been dead 24 years”
“Oh (pregnant pause) … How’s your father?”
At this point, I thought it was politic to apologise to my audience for the interruption.
Not a single person stirred, not a single person coughed, NOBODY said a word.
[This may be because, as many of you reading this might know,
there is a game – popular in Jewish circles, called the “Jewish geography game”,
whereby every Jew, wherever he or she is, anywhere in the world,
knows that if they meet another Jew,
they do not talk about the weather,
they do not talk about which pop groups they both like.
No. The first three questions they ask are :-
1) Where are you from?
2) How many Jews live there?
3) How old are you?
The next 5-10 minutes is then spent in an often fruitless discussion, consisting almost exclusively of the following two sentences :-
Do you know … (add a Jewish name that the other party has probably never heard of) ?
Followed by a pause then …
Do you know … (add a Jewish name that the other party has probably never heard of) ?
Of course, in the unlikely (but certainly not uncommon) event that the two parties do both know somebody in common, they may then spend 10 – 100 minutes swapping rather inappropriate second and third hand stories of long forgotten events – involving those who are not present.
These two people will then be friends for life, and if they do know one person, it’s very likely that they both know many more people and might spend much longer swopping stories. ]
Back to the prologue.
Our conversation continued, and the world stood still ..
“How’s your brother, er, what’s his name?”
“He’s fine.”
“How’s your sister, what’s her name?
“Her name’s …….. She’s fine.”
Said visitor takes his seat.
I continued with my talk.
Another 10 minutes passes.
I notice that my new friend has fallen asleep in the front row.  Happily, he does not snore.
A member of the audience asked a question.
I answered it at length, in detail.
Ten minutes later, my new friend wakes up, and asks EXACTLY the same question.
I answer it, briefly, to be polite.
He nods off again…
The talk concluded.
For fairness, I must add that he did have a decent excuse to come up to me.
Before my talk, I had recognised him from around 25 years ago.
He used to go out with my father’s, cousin’s, Iraqi-Jewish sister-in-law.
Confused? Of course you are.
I defy you to tell me that this could happen anywhere else in the world except at a Jewish event.
My father’s South African cousin made aliyah (went to live in Israel) around 50 years ago and married an Iraqi Jewish woman near Tel Aviv.  Her sister lives in London.
I hadn’t seen the guy (my ‘new/old’ friend, that is) in c.25 years.

Response to a very unpleasant blogger

I just sent a tweet to a man called Bruce Everiss.

He claims to be a political expert, but when writing on the Middle East, he just parrots classical anti-semitic drivel dressed up as libertarian anti-Zionism.

I usually find left-wing anti-semites to be the most obnoxious, as they believe strongly that they are anti-racist, and so frequently don’t even think through, or realise that, what they are saying is racist: he is very similar.

Here is one of his blogs.

Here is my response

I invited him to comment. I doubt he has the guts to respond: let’s see shall we.

[ 30-9-14 update: he blocked me.

What an utterly pathetic coward he is. In the great tradition of British Trotskyites, his blog doesn’t accept comments either.

It appears that he is scared. So many of them are scared of me on Twitter.

With the Palestinian Twitteristas, every time I offer to discuss peace, or explain the situation, they run for their lives. They block, mute, or send an offensive cartoon/picture, or even just start swearing and being insulting. How sad.

Bruce has other pieces that are similarly racist (anti-semitic) and anti-Jewish.

There is a stupid and hateful racist one entitled “is-the-talmud-the-most-evil-book-on-earth?”

He claims that he is quoted by the Sun and hobnobs with senior Conservative politicians.

As always, do let me know your thoughts

Someone on Twitter asked if Hamas used tunnels for food. Here’s my response

It is from information given to me by a friend at the Begin Sadat Institute:

Humanitarian Aid

Contrary to Hamas propaganda on the siege of Gaza, in fact there are no limitations on the

import of goods except weapons and certain dual-use items (for example chemical

fertilizer is a major ingredient for manufacturing explosives).

From 8 July, when Israel escalated its response to the rocket attacks from Gaza, until the

ceasefire began in the evening of 26 August (50 days) a total of 5,779 trucks entered Gaza

with approximately 85,000 tons of food *, 997 tons of medical supplies, 20.37 million liters

of various types of fuel (diesel, benzene etc.), 4,843 tons of gas for domestic use and a

few thousand tons of other products. The fighting in general, and the deliberate targeting

of the crossings by Hamas, reduced the flow of goods because many drivers feared to

show up (on any given day only a quarter to a half of the trucks planned for actually came).

Open letter sent to the editor of The Lancet (formerly one of the UK’s most respected and well-known medical publications)

Dear Mr Horton,

If you published a scientific report in the Lancet,
and you found out later that there was experimenter bias in even a single tiny way,
the Lancet would reject it and publicly disassociate itself from the report, in no uncertain terms, right?
So :-
  • please try and regain the 200 years of respect that you have lost in one foul swoop,
  • explain to your readership what has happened and that you and all your readers were hoodwinked
  • or continue to be a defender of antisemitic, racist charlatans.
Yours sincerely,

A few words for Western and Arab feminists (and others)

I am sorry that this blog may appear harsh.  I have had enough of hypocrisy and double standards.

There are c. 40 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and South / West Asia

There is one country where a proud Arab Muslim woman can stand in the street and shout loudly that she wants to bring down the government – without being shot, sexually abused, raped, arrested or tortured.

  • It’s not Egypt, where female Western reporters are groped while reporting and Arab women are openly molested and chased by gangs of men (such brave men eh?)
  • It’s not India – where women are gang-raped on the orders of village elders and literally hung to die from trees, or a women was gang-raped on a bus in the capital and sexually tortured till she died an awful, brutal death.
  • It’s not Pakistan, where women are actually stoned to death for causing embarrassment to the family.  Oops, I forgot, if they are “lucky” they have acid thrown in their face instead – ooh, such brave men they have in Pakistan.
  • It’s not Afghanistan, where beating of women and children is such a frequent occurrence that it is accepted as normal
  • It’s not Saudi Arabia where women are not even permitted to drive a car and can be bundled into a police van for not wearing a headscarf
  • It’s not in Iran where they have tens of thousands of “religious Police” (Revolutionary Guards) who can order you to cover your face, or will just punch you in the face if they wish.
  • It’s not in Nigeria, where Boko Haram (literally “Western education is forbidden”) have kidnapped hundreds of girls and publicly glorified this act and threatened to sell them as sex slaves, for a life of rape and misery
  • It’s not in Pakistan (Oh dear, have I mentioned there already) where the Taliban publicly threaten and murder nurses trying to end polio vaccinations, with the utterly bizarre excuse that it’s a Western plot. Well yes, it is a Western plot ; to save children, you stupid, murdering idiots.
  • … It’s not Pakistan where girls (remember Malala Yousafzai) who want an education get a bullet in their head instead.

So … where is that bastion of freedom, in a sea of utter awfulness?

I will enlighten you. It’s a tiny little place called Israel, where Muslim Arabs are a minority.

Why aren’t the world’s feminists flocking there, writing blogs and praising it to the hills??

******* me, I don’t know either. Please leave your comments and explanations.

“Apartheid Israel? Only if you haven’t a clue.”

ISIS and me

I believe that I now share common cause with ISIS.  Yes, seriously.

I am totally outraged at the woman who posted this truly laughable nonsense (please see the link below).

However, while ISIS’s reaction might be to declare jihad against her, for besmirching their name and calling them Zionist lackeys / 5th columnists, whatever, I have moved on and now laughing my head off at her absolute stupidity.

“ISIS is a Zionist plot” …

It’s brilliant,  You couldn’t make it up if you tried.  

It must be the most insane thing I have heard since the 1980’s when (I swear to god) I went to hear a talk by a radical left group, at the UK’s National Union of Students conference.

There were about 6 of us, including a dog, and including the speaker, in the rather large room.

The speaker told us, in all seriousness, that “Arthur Scargill was a class traitor”…  (If you were born after the 1970s and don’t know who Arthur Scargill was, you really really really must google him

I couldn’t believe my ears.

I left the room (to stop myself laughing my head off in full view of the speaker).  I still remember the talk to this day.   

I sent this to every UK national broadsheet newspaper Fri 8/8/2014

Dear Editor,

I wish to express my astonishment about the appalling Israeli army tactics in the recent war in Gaza.

To the best of my knowledge, never in the entire history of warfare (in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of wars the world has ever experienced) has there been such poor military behaviour.

I saw news reports on TV of it.  I could not believe my eyes.  I watched it over and over again.

Israel has set a new standard in warfare: it plumbed the depths and should leave the rest of the world ashamed for our inaction.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but the element of surprise is arguably the most significant factor in any battle. It is crucial to shortening battles, winning battles, and minimising casualties on both sides.

Three things shocked me :-

1. I saw that Israel’s army dropped leaflets, way in advance, saying exactly which areas they were going to target and which they were not, even giving clear explanatory maps of safe areas and routes to these.

2. I saw that they went to the incredible trouble of painstakingly assembling every single telephone number, of every single house and apartment, in every single district of Gaza and then simultaneously and repeatedly telephoned to warn people that their home was a target (e.g. because there is a missile stored there, or a tunnel there, or someone is shooting from it, or there is a terror tunnel).

3. I saw that then they often dropped a small, loud but harmless, warning bomb, to precede the main one, to give civilians even more time to leave.

Meanwhile, the Hamas fighters immediately hid in their tunnels, and demanded on television and in newspapers that civilians stay put, and even deliberately rush to the roofs of threatened buildings, leaving defenceless civilians to stay and die in appalling numbers.  Even a senior Iranian commander castigated Hamas’ shameless complicity to murder:

Surely, giving warnings and telegraphing your tactics so openly is really terrible military tactics, hugely endangering your own soldiers and allowing your enemy to escape?  It seems blatantly obvious that they went to such ridiculous lengths, in order to minimise civilian casualties.

With this in mind, doesn’t it strike you as utter hypocrisy for some British politicians to criticise Israel for being “disproportionate”, especially when Hamas flagrantly and purposely fires deadly missiles at kindergartens, schools and apartment blocks.

It’s very peculiar to find that no-one is rioting on the streets, lambasting Hamas for war crimes.  Double standards anyone, (un?) conscious antisemitism perhaps?

Returning to the point about warnings, why are so many people and politicians accusing Israel of war crimes, when they should actually be accusing every single other army in human history (that did not give those three warnings, thus endangering their own soldiers in order to save the lives of enemy civilians) of war crimes?

Best regards,


PS In passing, and purely on behalf of dictators everywhere, I would also like to thank Israel for diverting the entire world’s attention from some utterly disgusting crimes:-

  • in Syria and Iraq where they behead Christians and Shia Muslims and stick their heads on poles or eat their body parts for the camera;

  • in apartheid Tunisia where they sentenced a woman to death for becoming a Christian,

  • in Pakistan where they stone women to death if they marry a man the family does not like … etc etc ad nauseam


Worldwide conspiracy of silence over children being murdered in Gaza

A member of the Palestinian delegation .. to Cairo …. on.. Aug. 1, said *“Al-Qassam Brigades have realized great military achievements against Israel in Gaza … due to the heroic fighting.
Translation 1:
“It was a great military achievement” : thanks to Iran and Qatar for all their expertise, we built tunnels with £ millions of concrete donated by westerners and Israel, tunnels that took years to build – under homes, hospitals and UN schools.
160 children heroically died building them, yes, one hundred and sixty child martyrs  … cue a unanimous, deafening worldwide silence from international children’s charities about this barbaric child labour, and children’s right to education.
Translation 2:

“due to the heroic fighting” :

We hid –  and saved our skin, while Gaza burned and 2000 of our brave women and children died, so that we could continue with our rule.
We are vile cowards, hiding in tunnels, because we are too scared of the Israelis to fight in the open.