A few words for Western and Arab feminists (and others)

I am sorry that this blog may appear harsh.  I have had enough of hypocrisy and double standards.

There are c. 40 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and South / West Asia

There is one country where a proud Arab Muslim woman can stand in the street and shout loudly that she wants to bring down the government – without being shot, sexually abused, raped, arrested or tortured.

  • It’s not Egypt, where female Western reporters are groped while reporting and Arab women are openly molested and chased by gangs of men (such brave men eh?)
  • It’s not India – where women are gang-raped on the orders of village elders and literally hung to die from trees, or a women was gang-raped on a bus in the capital and sexually tortured till she died an awful, brutal death.
  • It’s not Pakistan, where women are actually stoned to death for causing embarrassment to the family.  Oops, I forgot, if they are “lucky” they have acid thrown in their face instead – ooh, such brave men they have in Pakistan.
  • It’s not Afghanistan, where beating of women and children is such a frequent occurrence that it is accepted as normal
  • It’s not Saudi Arabia where women are not even permitted to drive a car and can be bundled into a police van for not wearing a headscarf
  • It’s not in Iran where they have tens of thousands of “religious Police” (Revolutionary Guards) who can order you to cover your face, or will just punch you in the face if they wish.
  • It’s not in Nigeria, where Boko Haram (literally “Western education is forbidden”) have kidnapped hundreds of girls and publicly glorified this act and threatened to sell them as sex slaves, for a life of rape and misery
  • It’s not in Pakistan (Oh dear, have I mentioned there already) where the Taliban publicly threaten and murder nurses trying to end polio vaccinations, with the utterly bizarre excuse that it’s a Western plot. Well yes, it is a Western plot ; to save children, you stupid, murdering idiots.
  • … It’s not Pakistan where girls (remember Malala Yousafzai) who want an education get a bullet in their head instead.

So … where is that bastion of freedom, in a sea of utter awfulness?

I will enlighten you. It’s a tiny little place called Israel, where Muslim Arabs are a minority.

Why aren’t the world’s feminists flocking there, writing blogs and praising it to the hills??

******* me, I don’t know either. Please leave your comments and explanations.

“Apartheid Israel? Only if you haven’t a clue.”

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